This is Studio Latina, a studio specialized in digital solutions for real problems.
Based in Brasil and Argentina, working worldwide.


At Latina we work with design thinking and service design, always prioritizing quality and agility. It’s essential that the client also grabs their mate or coffee and actively participates in the project, building collectively. The result is a dynamic, creative, and efficient process where everyone contributes to solutions that truly makes difference.

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    The moment when the Latina team sits down, has a coffee, and explores all the problems, scenarios, and possibilities to make your project a reality.

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    The moment we look at each other and connect all the team's multidisciplinary creativity, with a brainstorming session to develop ideas.

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    The moment we sit in front of the computer, play music, and transform ideas into components, lines, illustrations, logos, and assets.

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    The final moment when we all come together to present the entire process and the final outcome of your product or brand.

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